Invitation to Bid 2023: Vegetation Abatement Services





Sealedbidsfor Vegetation Abatement Services fortheCity of North Chicago forthefollowingcontract:

Vegetation Abatement Services bids willbe received at the address listed below until February 24, 2023 at 1:00 PM local time. Bids will not be received or considered thereafter. The bidder is solely responsible for the delivery of its bid. The City will not accept changes to bids based on a bidder’s mistake of fact, which could have been corrected before submitting a bid.


Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at the above-stated time and place. Proposals not physically received by the date and time listed above will be returned unopened to the firm. Emailed or faxed bids will not be accepted. All proposals should be addressed to:


City of North Chicago

Attn: Victor M. Barrera, Economic & Community Development Director

1850 Lewis Avenue

North Chicago, IL. 60064

Invitation for Vegetation Abatement Services

Re: (vendor name)


A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 9 AM  startingatNorth Chicago City Hall,1850 Lewis Avenue, North Chicago, IL. 60064. This meeting will be listed on the cover sheet if required. The City will have representatives available at this meeting to address questions raised by bidders. Bids will only be accepted from those represented at the pre-bid meeting. This meeting will serve as an opportunity to ask any potential questions that may arise while calculating the maintenance cost.


The Contract Documents may be inspected at the following location.


City of North Chicago

Economic and Community Development Department

1850 Lewis Ave, North Chicago, Il. 60064

Phone number 847-596-8650


The contract documents may be obtained via email by contacting Victor M. Barrera at  Addendums will be issued to registered document holders only.


The successful bidder must provide proper insurance and be registered as a contractor with the City of North Chicago. Each contractor must submit their bid as indicated in the Specifications and include all signed supporting documents.


The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality in bidding. Award of Contract: The City of North Chicago City Council will make the final award of the proposal. The City also reserves the right to modify the invitation to Bid.


The successful bidder must comply with applicable State and Federal laws, including those relating to equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination.


Questions regarding this request shall be made in writing by Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 5:00 PM to:Victor M. Barrera, Economic & Community Development Director, at