PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Car Thefts from Unlocked Vehicles

Ten Car Thefts from Unlocked Vehicles Reported from April 5-May 6


The North Chicago Police Department (NCPD) reported 11 car-related burglaries in the Great Lakes Naval Base Housing Community from April 5-May 6.

The good news is approximately 91% of these thefts revolved around cars where NCPD officers determined that the vehicles were in fact unlocked.

The NCPD implores citizens around the North Chicago community, including the Naval Base, to lock up their doors when their vehicle becomes unattended.

Police Chief Lazaro Perez says there have been "multiple arrests," especially those related to stolen firearms.

For more information on the latest car theft report, please contact lieutenant Fred Diaz at Diez@NORTHCHICAGO.ORG.