Boards and Commissions


Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City of North Chicago

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners of the City of North Chicago, will hold a special meeting on the 12th day of January, 2023, at 4:00 o’clock P.M.
Pursuant to Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order 2020-07 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 5) which suspends the requirement of the Illinois Open Meetings Act requiring in-person attendance by members of a public body during the duration of the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation, the members of the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners will not be physically present for the designated board meeting but will instead be participating in the meeting through audio access using a virtual meeting platform.
Public comments may be submitted in advance of the meeting Board of Police and Fire Commission Attorney Joseph Miller at  All comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. the day before the meeting.
In order to give proper consideration to all items on this agenda, the Chairperson of the Board of Police and Fire Commissioners will limit participants in a debate and will close off protracted, repetitive, irrelevant, or abusive remarks.
Members of the public may monitor the meeting by joining the conference call as follows:
Joseph Miller is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: North Chicago Board of Fire and Police Commission
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 896 3984 3984
Passcode: 041904
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Meeting ID: 896 3984 3984
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            The Agenda for the Meeting is as follows:
  1. Call to Order
  1. Roll Call
  1. Public Comment [4-minute limit per speaker]
  1. Presentation by National Testing Network
  1. Approval of Minutes – discussion/action
a.    Open session minutes of the December 8, 2022, meeting
  1. Open session minutes of the December 8, 2022, meeting
  1. Old Business – discussion/possible action
  1. Invoices for Commissioners services
  2. Update on probationary police officers (Chief Perez)
  3. Update on pending significant police officer disciplinary matters (Chief Perez)
  4. Update on pending significant firefighter disciplinary matters (Chief Umek)
  5. Update on probationary firefighters (Chief Umek)
  6. Police department -status on patrol officer candidate hire and testing
  7. Fire department-status of firefighter candidate hires and lieutenant promotional exam final list
  1. New Business – discussion/possible action
  1. Update on information (Police Department)
  2. Update on information (Fire Department)
  1. Closed Session – discussion (if any)
The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the City or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity, pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/02(c)(1), as amended by P.A. 93-0057; and Evidence or testimony presented in open hearing, or in closed hearing where specifically authorized by law, to a quasi-adjudicative body, as defined in this Act, provided that the body prepares and makes available for public inspection a written decision setting forth its determinative reasoning pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/02(c)(4).
  1. Possible Action on closed session items discussed (if any)
  1. Action/discussion regarding candidate(s) in the police department hiring process
  2. Action/discussion regarding candidate(s) in the fire department hiring process
  3. Action/discussion regarding pending firefighter/police officer disciplinary matters
  1. Adjournment
Reminder: Next Regular Meeting 4:00 P.M., Thursday, February 9, 2023  at City Hall or Zoom
DATED the 9th day of January, 2023.
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Also posted on the City of North Chicago’s website:

North Chicago Police Pension Fund

North Chicago Police Pension Fund
1850 Lewis Avenue North Chicago, IL 60064
Gerald Pedrin Timothy Clark Kevin Balinovic Raymond Hartman
President Vice President Trustee Trustee
The Board of Trustees of the North Chicago Police Pension Fund will conduct a regular meeting on Tuesday, January
10, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
in the North Chicago City Hall West Conference Room located at 1850 Lewis Avenue, North
Chicago, Illinois 60064 for the purposes set forth in the following agenda:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Public Comment
4. Approval of Meeting Minutes
a. July 12, 2022 Regular Meeting
b. Semi-Annual Review of Closed Session Meeting Minutes
5. Investment Report
a. IPOPIF – Verus Advisory, Inc
i. State Street Statements
6. Treasurer’s Report
a. First Midwest Bank Report
7. Accountant’s Report – Lauterbach & Amen, LLP
a. Monthly Financial Report
b. Presentation and Approval of Bills
c. Additional Bills, if any
d. Discussion/Possible Action – Cash Management Policy
8. Communications and Reports
a. Affidavits of Continued Eligibility
b. Statements of Economic Interest
9. Applications for Membership/Withdrawals from the Pension Fund
10. Applications for Retirement/Disability Benefits
a. Application for Retirement Benefit – Corey Marquardt
b. Status of Applications for Disability Benefits – Luis Rivera
11. Old Business
a. Appointed Trustee Position
b. Board Officer Elections – Secretary and Assistant Secretary
c. Military Service Purchase and Refund Overpayment – Kevin Balinovic
12. New Business
a. Review/Approve IMRF to North Chicago Police Transfer – Kevin Balinovic
b. Review/Approve – Actuarial Valuation and Tax Levy Request
c. Review/Adopt – Municipal Compliance Report
d. Certify Special Election Results – Active Member Position
e. Approve Annual Cost of Living Adjustments for Pensioners
f. Review Trustee Term Expirations and Election Procedures
g. Review/Approve Request for Reinstatement Calculation – Juan Laracuente
h. Discussion/Possible Action – Updated Local Account Collateralization Agreement
13. Trustee Training Updates
a. Approval of Trustee Training Registration Fees and Reimbursable Expenses
14. Attorney’s Report – Wysocki & Smith
a. Annual Independent Medical Examination – Emir King
b. Legal Updates
15. Closed Session – if needed
16. Adjournment